Gaming, General, Mining

NVIDIA to tackle GPU Shortages through dedicated Mining cards. CMP Cards

Good news for PC Builders and gamers. Nvidia to launch CMP Cards for specific instructions, for mining with no graphical processing.

With the launch of the RTX 3060 cards in the states on the 25th of February (No word when in SA Yet… )

Nvidia’s drivers to detect attributes to do with mining and slash the performance of the hash rate by 50% on the RTX 3060 cards. With this in mind Nvidia is introducing CMP mining Cards.

Quote from Nvidia Blog

CMP products ā€” which donā€™t do graphics ā€” are sold through authorized partners and optimized for the best mining performance and efficiency. They donā€™t meet the specifications required of a GeForce GPU and, thus, donā€™t impact the availability of GeForce GPUs to gamers.

This will be good news for gamers as Nvidia finally will tackle the Mining issue with the gaming Community. In essence more Cards for everyone not so much HIGH demands.


Let’s hope this fixes everything or most of the problems facing supply and demand on both sides.

for more details click here to Nvidia’s Blog